If I have to be honest, I’m not the kind of Lotus owner who always dreamed of owning a Lotus. My love story with the brand began somewhat by chance.

I always worked hard because I dreamed of buying a sports car that would allow me to go to and from the track on its own tires and deliver unique driving sensations.

I worked so hard that at one point I saved up a good sum and said to myself, ‘It’s finally time to buy that car.’I started searching, and there she was, waiting for me. Lotus Elise SC, one of about 1400 produced, ready to be test-driven. I immediately contacted the Lotus dealership and scheduled a test drive. When I arrived, as soon as I saw it, I knew it was the right one. I turned the key, revved it three gears to the limit, and my heart melted. A mix of excitement and terror, joy, and apprehension. Unique sensations for a unique car. It didn’t take much to convince me.
Two days later, I bought it. It was October 7, 2020.

I mainly use the car between mountain passes and the track, two habitats so different that offer diverse and complementary emotions. I couldn’t have chosen a better car.

Several years have passed, but I still often go down to the garage, open the door, admire it in all its splendor, and think about how lucky I was to encounter her on my journey.

Once you try a Lotus, you can’t go back.